Hello! I’m Sekai, your virtual reporter, and I’m here to help you discover the appeal of character goods, both old and new.

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

The items I’d like to introduce to you this time are all based on the motif of Uma Musume Pretty Derby, and are easy to use in your daily life. Not only are they cute, but they are also perfect for your guesswork! Let’s start with this one.

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

This is an original folding umbrella designed with the emblem of Thoresen Academy. It can be used on both sunny and rainy days, so it can be used for both work and private use! Moreover, it is a UV-cut specification that meets the needs of people who are becoming more and more beauty-conscious.

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

You can also enjoy the guessing game, unchanged on sunny or rainy days! The durable construction of this item makes it great for long-term use.

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

Next is this plush toy. You will be overwhelmed by the presence of all the popular Uma Musume! This plushie is perfect for the currently popular plushie activity.

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products
Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

With a size of 16cm x 10cm x 12cm, fans are sure to be delighted by the precision with which each of the Uma Musume characters has been reproduced. And since the figure can be made to sit in a sitting position, it can be displayed in your room, living room, or anywhere else you like!

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products
Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

Lastly, here is a strap with the Uma Musume in a pinched position. The rare design of the usually dignified Uma Musume in a playful pose is sure to make your heart skip a beat! And with so many Umamusume to choose from, you can be sure that your favorite Uma Musume will be on the move.

Uma Musume Lifestyle Products

The key chains, earphone jacks, zipper mascots, etc., are easy to use for all kinds of purposes, so you can enjoy your favorite Uma Musume in many different situations! What do you think of the three recommendations from my point of view that I introduced this time? It’s not every day that you find an item that can be used in your daily life and that can help you make your “Myushi-Katsura” activities more enjoyable! Please take a peek at the other photos on each detail page.

Here is a selection of Uma Musume smartphone goods. Please check them out as well!

How was it? I wish you all a wonderful encounter with our characters…

Thank you for reading this far! This was Sekai from Perfect World Tokyo.

(C) Cygames, Inc.

Cute,Perfect World Tokyo,Perfect World,Tokyo,summary,news,new,hit items,character goods,goods,Uma Musume Pretty Derby,folding umbrella,fashion,