Hello♪ We here at Perfect World Tokyo want you to feel the charm of character goods, both old and new, and today we would like to introduce three mugs with cute face designs from “Tom & Jerry,” an animated comedy in which Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse chase after each other in all kinds of ways. We would like to introduce three mugs with cute face designs from “Tom & Jerry”, an animated comedy cartoon series.

The first one is a stacking mug with a Jerry design. The size is 8 x 8 x 8.5 cm, and by the way, “stacking” means stacking mugs to store them compactly. The key point is that they are easy to store and convenient.

On the back is a cute jelly design. Jelly looks happy with a sweet snack in her hand. The design is perfect for a little tea time.

This mug is delivered in a cute box. This item is recommended as a gift as well as for yourself. It will be especially appreciated by those who love Jelly.

Some of you may be thinking, “Tom’s mug?” You may be thinking, “Tom’s mug? This is a stacking mug featuring a cute little mouse, Taffy, who is always wearing a diaper. He has a greedy side that doesn’t match his body, and this time he seems to be trying to keep all the juice to himself.

When you want to take a breather at home, this face will surely soothe you…! Another charm of this mug is that it is not too large and is easy to use.

Here is a mug designed by Tom. Compared to the Taffy mug introduced earlier, the gray color is a little darker. The happy expression on Tom’s face designed on the back is also adorable.

This mug is delivered in a pink-toned box. Tom peeking out from above is just as adorable! We recommend this as a gift for people who love Tom.

We have three types of Tom, Jerry, and Taffy, so you can display all three side by side.
For those who want to enjoy the world of Tom & Jerry even when they are out and about, we recommend these fashionable items ♫
How was it? We wish you a wonderful encounter with our characters.
TM&(C)Turner Entertainment Co.
Cute,Goods,New Arrivals,Perfect World,Perfect World Tokyo,Hit Items,Character Goods,Tom and Jerry,Tom,Stacking Mug,Mug Cup,Gray,Jerry,Brown,Toffee,