"Winnie the Pooh," an animated cartoon created by Disney, which has been loved by people all over the world for a long time! This set of tableware will make you feel as if you are in the forest with Pooh and his friends, enjoying your lunch time in a relaxing and dusty atmosphere.
"Pokemon," a very popular anime and video game that is sure to be a hit with people of all ages, from small children to adults! You can enjoy a bright dining table with these smiling items that will make you giggle every time you use them.
"Snoopy," who is popular among all ages from small children to adults! You can smile every day with the unique tableware full of various Snoopy characters, including a surprised Snoopy and a relaxed Snoopy.
"Chip and Dale," a favorite of everyone from small children to adults! A dining table with Chip and Dale will not only create a cheerful atmosphere, but also make you feel full and satisfied.
Moomin series, which are familiar to everyone from young children to adults around the world! You will be amazed at the elegant and luxurious design of the Moomin mug items, which are one or two of the most elegant and luxurious Moomin mug items that have come out so far.
Moomin series, which is widely loved by everyone from small children to adults! The Moomin's fashionable designs are a must-see item, as their warm and friendly worldview is appealing to people of all ages.
tableware with a motif of "Doraemon," a national cartoon that is loved by people of all genders, from small children to adults.
"Omoshirobuzz" series, which has a large following in the PW genre, each with a different design that goes perfectly with a drink! If you're going to drink, you have to have a glass with this design. They are both interesting and wonderful items that meet your needs.
interior tableware featuring the world-famous picture book character "Peter Rabbit! You'll be amazed at the special designs and items that Peter Rabbit has designed to commemorate the 120th anniversary of his birth.
"Kirby the Star," a character loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults! The sparkling appearance and Kirby's cute and lively design match each other, making you want to use the clear cups all the time.