"KOJIKOJI," a character created by Momoko Sakura, the well-known author of "Chibi Maruko-chan! KOJIKOJI is a character that is not only loved by people of all generations, but also has a character full of humanity that supports the hearts of fans beyond generations and genders
"Oppanchusagi," a character that is active in a wide range of genres, including SNS, LINE stamps, YouTube, etc., mainly among women! We are focusing on simple but exciting designs that incorporate the fluffy and very cute sagara embroidery.
"Snoopy," who is loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults! These items are great for relaxing time at school, work, or private time to end your daily life and make everyone's favorite bath time more enjoyable and fun with your children.
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview.
the stuffed animals owned by Anya, one of the main characters in the animated cartoon "Spy Family," which has been very popular among children and adults alike over the past few years and has been made into a blockbuster movie!
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview.
"Pandorobo," a picture book character that is extremely popular, especially among small children! It is a wonderful pouch that gives you a warm feeling of the world of Bread Robo, as if you are looking at a page from a picture book.
"Snoopy," a character loved by all generations, male and female alike. They are cute and easy to use
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview. They are all cute and easy to use
"Miffy," which is loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults! These are wonderful items that make your car more comfortable to use, which you often use for commuting to work or school almost every day.