"Bread Dorobo"! Not only do they have a gentle picture book design, but they are also easy to use in everyday life, so they are very convenient to keep in your bag when you need to take a quick note or decorate this page with a cute design! The corner is popular at bookstores, and we have the impression that there are many stationery items as well. We have also added a new pattern to our collection.
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview.
The world's most famous beagle dog, Snoopy! Everyone knows this character, so you can enjoy sharing these items with your friends and family
They might be sneaking into your bag! 3 cute Bread Drobo stationery with designs with a gentle touch
"Bread Dorobo"! Not only do they have a gentle picture book design, but they are also easy to use on a daily basis, so they are very convenient to keep in your bag when you need to take a quick note or decorate this page with a cute design!
"Bread Dorobo," a picture book that has become very popular especially among small children! We're looking at items that will make your everyday life a little more relaxing, as if Bread Robot appears unexpectedly in your everyday life.
If you have seen Miffy's picture books, you are sure to be excited by the use of familiar "Bruna colors," a design that can be said to be the origin of Miffy.
Miffy-designed car accessories for your car, which many of you use almost every day at work and in your private life!
Moomin characters of all time! Snufkin is a character so full of charm that his cool and intelligent appearance is absolutely popular among Moomin fans.
car accessories from the Moomin brand, limited to Little Mee! With Little Mee's mischievous expressions and gorgeous items, I feel like filling up my car with Mee items.