the three girls from Cartoon Network's original cartoon "Powerpuff Girls," which has created some of the world's most popular cartoon characters! The girls are defeating evil in the city, and their cute and relaxed appearance, which is not usually seen, is sure to make anyone's heart flutter.
"Powerpuff Girls"! Pop and colorful, the Powerpuff Girls have collaborated with Accomodet this time as girly and cute travel goods!
"Pandorobo," a picture book character that is extremely popular, especially among small children! It is a wonderful pouch that gives you a warm feeling of the world of Bread Robo, as if you are looking at a page from a picture book.
"Snoopy," a character loved by all generations, male and female alike. They are cute and easy to use
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview. They are all cute and easy to use
Oppanchu Rabbit," which is very popular among women today, especially on SNS. We have a variety of cute items
"Oppanchu Rabbit" with lucent eyes created by a very popular creator, "Poor! a very popular creator of character goods, has created an item with a motif of a "bunny rabbit" with very cute, luminous eyes. The cute face of "Obanchuusagi" is reproduced by embroidery of "Sagara" with a smile, a smile, and a smug look!
a pouch made by a bunny, but don't you think it's a bit on the nose? It holds a penlight, and the name of the pouch is "guess what pouch.
"Chiikawa" motif, which is very popular among all generations. All items are very cute, so please check them out!
"Chiikawa," a character loved by people of all ages who is active in a wide range of genres, including SNS, LINE stamps, and TV animation! We are focusing on fashionable designs that give you a warm and fluffy feeling, using quilting to express Chiikawa's face design.