"Ado Mizumori," an illustrator who is widely popular among young people and adults, especially among women! The items are so cute that you will want to get a whole series of them, such as pouches and coin cases, which are made in collaboration with Japanese traditional jacquard weaving.
comedy animation "Tom & Jerry," which everyone from young children to adults around the world can get hooked on once they see it!
Snoopy, a character popular not only among women but also among men! Not only do they look cute and fluffy, but the charming figures of Snoopy and Woodstock are so cute that you will want to use them every day.
"Disney," a company that produces ever-popular characters that fascinate people from young children to adults all over the world!
Kitty is reading a book, holding an apple, and enjoying various other things. The illustrations are all drawn in red, and the clean coloring makes it easy to choose where to use. The silicon construction makes it safe even if it should get wet.
"Ado Mizumori" loved by people of all generations. They are all elegant and very cute items, so please check them out!
"Bread Robot," a picture book character that has been extremely popular among small children since his first appearance! Now popular not only with children but also with adults, this is my recommended item featuring the charming Pandorobo that you can't help but take a look at for some reason.
pouches featuring the Moomin friends, who are loved all over the world. All of the designs are cute.
Minecraft, the game that is currently on the rise around the world, is now available in the form of cute goods. We have pouches, cushions, plush toys, and other items featuring well-known characters.