daily life items featuring Snoopy, a character popular not only among women but also among men! Snoopy is a character that is popular not only among women but also among men.
This time, we would like to introduce a pen case and a hair band with a cute "do up face" for those who like fun and unusual designs. Please check them out!
The nuanced colors, popular for their dull tones, can be carried around fashionably by adults as well. Many people may like this color's easy to match with clothes with a gentle atmosphere.
the long-loved video game "Kirby the Star! It's an easy-to-use item because it's an upright item that can be used in multiple ways, as a pen case or pouch.
a pouch case that you'll want to use with your tote bag. The quilting and embroidery are a perfect match, and the gentle colors of the items are very cute.
"Miffy" for both adults and children. This time we will pick up some cute goods featuring this season's artwork of Miffy and Boris!
Snoopy boat-shaped pouch with lots of pockets and easy to use! This time, we'll be picking up Snoopy's boat-shaped pouch, which has many pockets and is easy to use. What solves the problem of women who have a lot of small belongings...