Poképiece" is a series of "Pokémon and ningen" share houses where you can take a peek into the peaceful lives of Pokémon and ningen. It is a series that I personally follow because of its outstanding healing effect.
an item that boasted the popularity of Kirby's standard. Kirby has become a constellation motif. It is a horoscope series. It may be difficult to get all kinds of mascots now, but cushions are a popular item.
Kirby's jewelry box is perfect for organizing your things. Not only does it look cute, but it is also a very convenient item for storing things.
Kirby" is a harapeko hero who is very active in video games. His cute appearance has made him very popular not only in video games but also as a motif for many items.
"Pokemon", a very popular game and animation series. As a Pokemon fan, I'm glad to see that there are not only Pikachu but also Gengar, Kabigon, and other varieties!
Pokemon single passcases that are useful for commuting to work and school. The design of your favorite Pokemon will lift your spirits.
"Kirby," whose round pink figure is so soothing and relaxing! This time, we would like to introduce you to a new item for your daily life based on the motif of "Kirby," a very popular character with a round, pink figure that makes you feel relaxed.
Kirby, who is also very popular in video games, appeared as an acrylic wall clock. The design is full of stars with a beautiful glittering effect, and Kirby and Waddle Dee are cute and playful. Cute enough to accent your interior.
"Sweet Dreams" series we'll be introducing here is designed in an 80's style with Kirby and his friends enjoying their nighttime home time. The scenes are all precious until it's time for a good night's sleep, and you are sure to have good dreams when you spend time together with them.
The game that Shigesato Itoi created is still a brilliant masterpiece in the world of video games, and it is called MOTHER.