Komaneko" is an original work by Dwarf Studio created in 2003. It is a story about the daily life of "Komachan," a cat girl who likes to make things and take pictures of koma.
We have Darth Vader from Star Wars, Gryffindor, Tomjeri, Felix, and Wild Speed from Harpotta. All of the designs are of outstanding quality and are supreme gems that can speak for themselves on their backs, so they are sure to become your favorites.
"MARVEL," a character that has long been loved by people around the world, from children to adults. This time, we will be introducing a series of trendy character scajans featuring MARVEL's most popular characters.
the movie version of " Gundam Seed Freedom, " which has been a super long-running hit.
the 90th anniversary of the birth of Fujiko F. Fujio, the creator of many masterpieces that are still loved to this day!
some commemorative items for the 90th anniversary of the birth of Fujiko F. Fujio, a cartoonist who created works that fascinated many people from children to adults! Parman, Chimpy, Korosuke, Doraemon, and other nostalgic characters from your childhood are the special items commemorating the 90th anniversary of Mr. Fujiko's birth.
Totoro has been loved for many years since its release in 1988. Here are some items that will allow you to enter the world of Totoro, or rather, make you believe that Totoro really exists.
Toy Story Pizza Planet merchandise items from Disney's 40th anniversary lineup, which has just gotten even more exciting.