"Peko-chan" series. Each item has a different Peko-chan design that is sure to please anyone who sees it. The designs are not often seen, so they are sure to be a hit on social networking sites.
four different types of T-shirts featuring Peko-chan, the Fujiya Milky "Peko-chan" who continues to be loved by people of all ages!
All of them are cute and convenient items that can be used in various ways, and we have restocked items that were sold out immediately. All items are made in collaboration with "Friends Hill," a company that has a reputation for craftsmanship that focuses on ideas and design and has many fans, so we highly recommend these items for their cuteness and quality.
7 items from ACCOMODE's Fujiya collaboration series, which are so cute that they are already becoming a hot topic on SNS and other places. All of the items are high quality reproductions of the packaging and are cute for adults.
let you enjoy Peko-chan from past generations. You may find a Peko-chan you have never seen before.
We are introducing a mini tote bag from the very popular character, Peko. We\'ve been following this item since the news when pre-order started, but it disappeared quickly, and now, finally... i