"KOJIKOJI," a character created by Momoko Sakura, the well-known author of "Chibi Maruko-chan! KOJIKOJI is a character that is not only loved by people of all generations, but also has a character full of humanity that supports the hearts of fans beyond generations and genders
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview.
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview.
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview. They are all cute and easy to use
"Kojikoji" motif, which is popular among adult women because of its heartwarming worldview. They are all cute and easy to use, so please check them out!
"KOJIKOJI," a character with a mysterious charm and surrealistic feel that will surely get you hooked! KOJIKOJI is a unique anime created by Momoko Sakura, the creator of "Chibi Maruko-chan," and has become so popular that its words of wisdom are engraved in the hearts of people across generations.
"Kojikoji" by Momoko Sakura, the creator of "Chibi Maruko-chan"! KOJIKOJI is KOJIKOJI" is a wonderful stationery series filled with the cuteness of KOJIKOJI, which has created many quotes such as "KOJIKOJI is KOJIKOJI".
KOJIKOJI goods is also increasing little by little. The goods introduced here are all so cute that you may have a hard time deciding what to choose
"KOJIKOJI," created by Momoko Sakura, the well-known author of "Chibi Maruko-chan! KOJIKOJI lives in a fairy tale land, but his words are not fairy tale at all, and he is a character that is popular among all generations with many quotes that stick in the mind.
"KOJIKOJI," created by Momoko Sakura of Chibi Maruko-chan fame! This is a very rare item that was collaborated with Sanrio, so fans should not miss it.