Poképiece" is a series of "Pokémon and ningen" share houses where you can take a peek into the peaceful lives of Pokémon and ningen. It is a series that I personally follow because of its outstanding healing effect.
Do you know Daisy Lovers and Angel Blue? They are fashion brands of Narumiya International, a Japanese children's clothing manufacturer.
Sanrio is a famous Japanese entertainment company. Hello Kitty and My melody are one of the characler and they are loved all over the world. I hope you enjoy this news and have a good day.
very nice items under the theme of "MIFFY and ROSE", which will bring you a refreshing feeling of spring.
2024 is the MIFFY and ROSE series, which is in full bloom with a spring-like feel. We are pleased to present a special feature of this series as soon as the photos were released by the manufacturer!
"Snoopy," which has been loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults! Snoopy, Charlie, Olaf, and many other characters are compact mascots, and the designs are so charming that you will feel like you can go anywhere with them.
"BOSASAMARU," a newly introduced character from Sanrio Characters, one of Japan's most popular character groups, popular among women, children, and adults of all ages!
Why don’t you travel with the characters of Minecraft? Ball chain mascot so you can carry it around♪
Minecraft, a computer game that is so popular that it's the only way to make things on your computer. A new item from the game has just appeared! The ball chain mascot, which has been popular since the first release, has been given a new character.
Mickey and Minnie" by Walt Disney, everyone's favorite character from around the world! You will surely be thrilled by the nostalgia and charm of the reprinted art designs from the 1970s and 80s.
Pom Pom Pudding is a golden retriever boy whose trademark is a beret. He is a popular character who has won first place in the Sanrio Character Awards.