"Bread Robo," a character that is extremely popular among small children! The design makes you want to go out with "Bread Drobo," who goes anywhere in search of delicious bread.
the Disney cartoon character loved by all generations from Kei-san's children to adults! Using collaborative items with a motif of a lucky pattern that has been loved in Japan for a long time will help motivate you every day.
Fastest Report Series, I attended the presentation of the new Almost-a-Day Notebook. I've already attended the unveiling of the 2024 version!
With the increase of environmentally friendly items in the past few years, we have turned our attention to recycled cotton and collaborated with Snoopy for these fashion items that are easy for everyone to use.
some fashion items featuring characters created by the illustrator "Ado Mizumori," who has been loved by young people of all ages!
"Miffy," a character that is loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults! Miffy design with a more mature touch, one of these items will create a better atmosphere in your room.
"Miffy," a character loved by people of all ages and genders, from small children to adults all over the world!
"Pokemon," a nationally popular animation series known by everyone from small children to adults, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man! The Pikachu design, which is one of the most popular Pokemon, is so cute that it will make your heart melt.
"Snoopy" and "Outdoor Products," a brand that is popular with people of all ages, from small children to adults. The minimal scale fashion items collaborated with a brand that deals with outdoor items are so cute that you will want to have all kinds of them.