"My Neighbor Totoro," a Ghibli film that has been loved by people of all ages, from young children to adults, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man!
Totoro and Neko Bus from "My Neighbor Totoro," one of Ghibli's long-loved works and popular with people of all ages!
a black cat who is the main character's messenger, from "The Witch's Delivery Service," a popular Studio Ghibli animation that has never faded away!
a hat (costume) and a cloth picture book from Ghibli's masterpiece "My Neighbor Totoro"! Hats are perfect for the coming season.
Studio Ghibli goods, but is it only me who thinks that there are not so many Red Pig goods compared to others?
My Neighbor Totoro is loved by both adults and children. Today, we are picking up music boxes of Totoro and other characters. New music boxes with slightly different designs! If you want to have Totoro goods which are a little different from the others, or if you just want to relax at home, these are the must-see items. Let us introduce to you in details!