"Peko-chan," an old and well-loved candy character popular not only among women but also among men! These items are designed to keep you comfortable and energetic during the cold season.
"Myushinoko," the hottest and most popular anime series among young people, both male and female! Each and every one of the characters is so fascinating that you can't take your eyes off them, and as the title suggests, you can find your own "guess.
You may have heard the term "SDGs" a lot recently. This backpack is environmentally friendly and very easy to use. It matches Snoopy and Peanuts characters who care about nature!
"Tom & Jerry," the world-famous slapstick comedy animation series that always brings a laugh whenever you see it! The items are not only bright and cheerful with a POP atmosphere, but also always bring a smile with their humorous designs.
"Snoopy," who is well-known all over the world, from young children to adults! Snoopy, Charlie and the rest of the "Peanuts Gang! Snoopy and Charlie are spending their time together, and the "Peanuts Gang!
"Snoopy" series, a character that is familiar to everyone from small children to adults! The coloring of this item is based on the trendy "green," a coloring that is easy to use for everyone, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man.
"Mochishiba, the loyal dog," which is loved by people of all ages, especially the younger generation! We are focusing on designs that make you feel as if you are touching the mochi mochi fluffy Mochibashi characters.
"Tom & Jerry," an animated slapstick comedy series that is popular among both small children and adults. This pouch is based on the motif of Shelly and Taffy!
Hiroyuki, the King of Arguments, who has gained tremendous support from the younger generation! Even if you don't have the courage to wear a T-shirt with Hiroyuki's handwriting outside, you might be able to enjoy it at home and become the King of Debate. These are such unique items.
"My Neighbor Totoro," a Ghibli film that has been loved by people of all ages, from young children to adults, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man!