"Teletubbies," a cute and cuddly character loved by children and adults of all ages!
"Oppanchu Rabbit" with lucent eyes created by a very popular creator, "Poor! a very popular creator of character goods, has created an item with a motif of a "bunny rabbit" with very cute, luminous eyes. The cute face of "Obanchuusagi" is reproduced by embroidery of "Sagara" with a smile, a smile, and a smug look!
Chiikawa, Hachiware, and Usagi. It is no wonder that they were sold out immediately when they arrived at our store last time.
a bag, a pouch, and a 2-way vanity bag from the Velour series. All of them are elegant items filled with the longing of adult women and overflowing with a sense of luxury.
"Little Mee," a character loved around the world. They are elegant and very cute bags
"Ado Mizumori" loved by people of all generations. They are all elegant and very cute items, so please check them out!
bread thief's purse. Not only is it cute, but it is also very useful for storing small things.
Miffy travel goods are for you! There are a variety of sizes and designs, and by using them differently, you might even become a good storage person...?
a few items from the new "PUIPUIDREAMY" series, featuring "Kirby the Star," a character that is familiar to all ages through anime and video games!