"Winnie the Pooh," a character created by Disney, one of the world's most popular animated cartoon characters that has been loved by people of all ages, from young children to adults around the world! This Pooh and Piglet tableware set is perfect for celebrating not only yourself but also your loved ones.
"Winnie the Pooh," an animated cartoon created by Disney, which has been loved by people all over the world for a long time! This set of tableware will make you feel as if you are in the forest with Pooh and his friends, enjoying your lunch time in a relaxing and dusty atmosphere.
Mickey and Minnie" by Walt Disney, everyone's favorite character from around the world! You will surely be thrilled by the nostalgia and charm of the reprinted art designs from the 1970s and 80s.
original items for Disney's 100th anniversary. There were too many to introduce here, but each shop had goods overflowing with love and filled with the sympathy that "Disney fans are everywhere, after all.
chance to interview a popular Disney YOUTUBER, Aiyan, at Laforet Harajuku, the sacred place of KAWAII! The main part of this interview is on YOUTUBE, Sekai, which actually works! Here is an excerpt from YOUTUBE. Ainyan-san shines too brightly, so please take a look if you like!
Disney animation series, which has been loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults.
"Winnie the Pooh" has collaborated with the outdoor brand "OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" and has come up with a new item in a minimalist size.
the Disney cartoon character loved by all generations from Kei-san's children to adults! Using collaborative items with a motif of a lucky pattern that has been loved in Japan for a long time will help motivate you every day.
Ariel is the heroine of The Little Mermaid. Ariel is one of the most popular princesses in Disney.
the Disney characters that are popular not only among women but also among men! These items have a warm and welcoming atmosphere as if they were made by hand, and will warm your heart.