
Anime/MangeMystery childTokyo news

Not Just in Japan! Anime attracts attention around the world! Interior and fashion items for your child’s guess!

"Oshi-no-ko," whose manga, anime, and theme songs are very popular! These items are full of the charm of Oshi-no-ko, who is attracting a great deal of attention not only in Japan but also in the rest of the world.
Bread thiefTokyo news

Bread Drobo Fashion Item: Collect! Complete set! We have an assortment of items that will keep the momentum of the very popular “Pandorobo” going.

"Bread Robot," a picture book character that has been extremely popular among small children since his first appearance! Now popular not only with children but also with adults, this is my recommended item featuring the charming Pandorobo that you can't help but take a look at for some reason.
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