SNOOPYTokyo news Snoopy ribbon pouch. When the mouth is closed tightly and tied with a ribbon, it looks like a cute gift bag.
SNOOPYTokyo news Snoopy and ghosts are a rare design! The stylishly dusky color makes it suitable for any occasion.
animalTokyo news Elegant and cute! Mohsand’s lace and embroidery series. You will be melted by the cute pouches with sharks and other fluffy kittens.
PokémonTokyo news 2 years ago by : Sekai Pokemon Pouch: Boston shaped pouch is easy to use. Great to share with the kids! we pick up "Pokemon," which is popular among children and adults alike! Not only is the game fun, but the ever-increasing number of cute and cool characters are appealing, aren't they? Here we introduce such Pokemon pouches. It is not just a pouch.