The “Powerpuff Girls,” an animated television series that boasts great popularity around the world, has released a variety of cute items to commemorate the 25th anniversary of its first broadcast in the United States. In this topic, we will introduce a mix of new and old items. The new items are the Accommodation Series, which you can find here.

Hello, everyone! This is Sekai, your virtual reporter from Perfect World Tokyo!
I’ll be introducing a series of lifestyle fashion items based on the motif of the “Powerpuff Girls,” three cute and powerful heroes.

Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls

First, let me introduce this commuter pass holder.

It has a cute pop design with a blossom on it, which is typical of the Powerpuff Girls.

Attach it to your bag to make you feel good.

Powerpuff Girls

Next, I would like to introduce the Aurora Marché bag.

Not only three of my favorite girls, but also Mojo Jojo! This is rare.

Powerpuff Girls

It can be put together compactly like this. I can’t believe that it can always be used as a keychain, but when needed, it can be used as a bag! Our hero.

Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls

It comes in three pastel colors. They are all so cute, I want to collect them all.

Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls

Next is a badge. They are small enough to attach to bags, hats, and anywhere else.

Powerpuff Girls

Of course, we also have variations of your favorite characters.

Now, which one should you choose? Maybe you can wear all three of them….

Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls

The last one is this eye mask.

The girls are sleeping! We are so happy to be able to sleep with the cute girls. It also comes with a stylish pouch. The pouch makes it easy to use on long trips on trains and airplanes.

Powerpuff Girls

It comes in three colors. The pastel colors are too cute. The pastel colors are gentle enough not to make you shiver when you rest.

Powerpuff Girls

We hope you will celebrate the 25th anniversary with a collection of “Powerpuff Girls” goods.

You will surely be surrounded by the healing power of the Powerpuff Girls, as shown in the image above.

Here is a selection of items related to Perfect World Tokyo. Please check them out as well!

How was it? We wish everyone a wonderful encounter with the characters,

Thank you for taking the time to read this article! This is Sekai from Perfect World Tokyo.

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