Pokemon” for short is an animated series that continues to be loved by many. In this series, Pikachu and various other mysterious creatures are involved in adventures. In this topic, we pick up not only Pikachu, the main character in the series, but also Eevee, who is fluffy and has many fans.

Hello, everyone! This is Sekai, your virtual reporter from Perfect World Tokyo!
This time, I would like to introduce you to some items for your daily life based on the motif of “Pokemon,” a character that has been loved by people all over the world, from children to adults, for many years now. The motif is that Pokemon that everyone loves so much!

EVEVUI goods

First of all, here is a pass case. Cute! This is Eevee! Simple design. The leather-like design is chic.

EVEVUI goods
EVEVUI goods

Even the Pokemon number is written on it. It comes with a reel, so you can use it quickly and easily while it is attached to your bag.

EVEVUI goods

There is also a Pikachu version. Both have a simple design and are perfect for commuting to work or school.

EVEVUI goods

Next is this mini tote bag. This one is also leather-like and simple.

EVEVUI goods
EVEVUI goods

It is made of corduroy fabric and has a stylish logo tape on the bottom.

EVEVUI goods
EVEVUI goods

It is a reasonable size recommended for commuting to work or school. This size is perfect for the image of an EVE bag of this size.

The gusset is a solid 12cm, so it can be carried securely even though it is a mini-sized tote.

EVEVUI goods

The last one is a glasses case.

EVEVUI goods
EVEVUI goods

The design is simple and unified. It is a hard type, so it is safe to carry around. It is cute but will protect your valuable glasses from scratches and dirt. It also comes with a cute eyeglass wipe.

EVEVUI goods

This item is also available in Pikachu version.

All of these items look simple and easy to use, don’t they? There is also a Pikachu version, so please check it out if you are interested.

Why don’t you incorporate your favorite Pokemon into your daily life?

Here is a selection of items related to Perfect World Tokyo. Please check them out as well!

How was it? We wish you a wonderful encounter with our characters,

Thank you for reading this far! This is Sekai from Perfect World Tokyo.

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