Just as in the world of picture books, Pandorobo is now available as a car accessory! In this topic, we will introduce you to all the charms of the Bread Robot seatbelt cushion.

Hello, This is Sekai, your virtual reporter. Pandorobo is a character in search of delicious bread. Once you see him, you will never forget him. He may look a little mean, but he is a kind-hearted giant. This time, the characters from Bread Robot have been transformed into car accessories. So, let us introduce Pandorobo’s seatbelt cushions that make driving more fun.
First of all, here is the Pandorobo seatbelt cushion. The Pandorobo Seat Belt Cushion is fluffy and comfortable.

This cushion will surely make your car ride more fun. It is as if Pandorobo is driving with you. Just by attaching this cushion to your seatbelt, you will be able to drive comfortably for a long time.
The back side looks like this. It is easy to install because you just put it through the seatbelt.

A breadwinner on a seatbelt…! It is a bit surrealistic, but it will be a nice accent in your car. The size is 39cm x 10.3cm x 11cm, and the material is polyester, so it is soft and fluffy. Just by attaching it to the seatbelt, the lumpy feeling will disappear and it will be very comfortable.

Even on long drives, Pandorobo will gently support you. You will enjoy a nice drive…! You may feel sleepy when you get in the car, but it is okay to doze off! With the cushion, you will be able to sleep comfortably because you won’t feel the jostling of the seatbelt.

Next up is the “Mysterious French Bread” seatbelt cushion.
This character is also a bread thief. When he sees a cardboard box, he is tempted to climb inside.
I’m a little curious about this character.

The mysterious French bread is also a fluffy and comfortable seatbelt cushion. It quickly transforms your time in the car into a safe space that feels like home. In addition, it is easy to install as it simply goes through the seatbelt.

Next up is the “Nise Pan Dorobo” seatbelt cushion. No way, Nise Pan Dorobo..! If there were a fake pandorobo in the car, the tiredness of driving would disappear when you see this expression on his face.

The back side looks like this. The hands and feet from the back are too cute. This one can also be easily installed by simply putting it through the seatbelt.

This time, we introduced the Bread Robot Seat Belt Cushion. Just by having the Pandorobo cushion in the car, it seems to take the place of a soothing space. It is exciting to feel as if Pandorobo is enjoying the drive with you. Please enjoy your drive with Pandorobo!
Here are some related items of Pandorobo. Please check them out as well!
How was it? We wish you all a wonderful encounter with Pandorobo, and hope to see you again in our next news. This was Sekai from Perfect World Tokyo!
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