"KOJIKOJI," a character with a mysterious charm and surrealistic feel that will surely get you hooked! KOJIKOJI is a unique anime created by Momoko Sakura, the creator of "Chibi Maruko-chan," and has become so popular that its words of wisdom are engraved in the hearts of people across generations.
the Principality of Zeon and Flash Hathaway from the Mobile Suit Gundam series, an anime series that is popular among men, young people, and adults of all ages! The Gundam series, which still continues to be hot, is popular not only for the appeal of its individual characters, but also for its cool designs.
"Disney," a company that produces ever-popular characters that fascinate people from young children to adults all over the world!
"Kirby the Star," a game that is widely popular among young people, both men and women! This series of mascots is a great way to bring the cuteness of Kirby, who changes his appearance and expression by taking in various items in the game, closer to you.
Kitty is reading a book, holding an apple, and enjoying various other things. The illustrations are all drawn in red, and the clean coloring makes it easy to choose where to use. The silicon construction makes it safe even if it should get wet.
"Ado Mizumori," an illustrator who is popular among a wide range of generations of people, especially young women, and who creates a sense of excitement in their hearts!
Peko-chan, a character of confectionery that has been loved by people of all ages, from small children to adults! We have a selection of recommended bags that can be used according to TPO, such as school, work, and private life.
"Kojikoji" by Momoko Sakura, the creator of "Chibi Maruko-chan"! KOJIKOJI is KOJIKOJI" is a wonderful stationery series filled with the cuteness of KOJIKOJI, which has created many quotes such as "KOJIKOJI is KOJIKOJI".
"Peko-chan," an old and well-loved candy character popular not only among women but also among men! These items are designed to keep you comfortable and energetic during the cold season.