In this issue, a special interview section! This is a special interview corner! Our editorial department handles about 5,000 kinds of character goods per year, and we were able to talk to the designer of the Nemu Nemu Animals series, a masterpiece that always surprises us with its soft and gentle worldview and series development!

nemunemu animals

Today’s interviewer is T-yama, a product development designer at Perfect World Tokyo. I am very happy because it is a rare opportunity to talk with other general merchandise designers. I wonder what kind of conversation we will have with other designers…

The name of the company is Live Heart. For those of you who are not familiar with the Nemunemu series, let me give you a little personal explanation.

nemunemu animals

The Nemumu Nemu series is a very popular series of hug pillows with cute animals sleeping peacefully.
There are many sizes and many animals, but the best thing about them is their soft and deformed design! When you actually touch it, you can feel its texture. The softness is superb.

nemunemu animals

At Perfect World Tokyo, oversized animals over 100 cm in length leave for various destinations every day. We also receive many orders with wrapping, and we are sure they would be happy to receive something like this….

nemunemu animals the very popular japanese animal interior design
nemunemu animals the very popular japanese animal interior design

Now, let’s hear about the Nemunemu series. Let’s hear all about it right away!

Hello. I’m here today to listen to the secrets of Nemunemu.

I look forward to working with you.

The designer is a woman, Ms. Murakoshi. She is very soft-spoken. For character goods, it is a very rare opportunity to meet the designer. I was thrilled at this point to know that the various animals and expressions of Nemu Nemu Animals are created by this person, as I am a general merchandise fanatic. Today, Mr. Oyama, who is in charge of the project, was also present, and the conversation began. First, I asked him what he wanted to know most.

Where did the idea for the Nemu Nemu series come from?

I first got the idea from pet animals, and came up with the idea of “a hug pillow as a pet that snuggles up to people.

Indeed. I thought it was a perfect concept. Compared to other characters, I think it’s great that they are softer, or rather, that they seem to be leaning toward you without pushing you.
The development of the series is also appealing. It’s not so much that I want to collect them, but rather that I want to find the perfect child and cherish it forever…

The Nemu Nemu Animals series has various characters and a fairly solid worldview, but is there a story?

Is there a story? The lineup gradually grew. The first one was Lucky, a polar bear.

nemunemu animals the very popular japanese animal interior design