Hello, my name is Sekai! I’m Sekai from Perfect World Tokyo, and I’d like to share with you the appeal of character goods, both old and new! There are many Miffy goods, but this time I’d like to introduce some goods that can be used in daily life. They are very cute goods, so please check them out until the end.

miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior

First of all, here is a Miffy house box. The house box can be used anywhere in the house, and is perfect for seasoning storage in the kitchen, which tends to get cluttered. The stylish design makes it a great interior decoration.

miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior

It is useful not only in the kitchen but also in the living room. It can also be used to store stationery such as notebooks and remote controls for TVs and other devices that tend to get scattered around. Just pop it on your desk and it will give you a stylish look.

miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior

The simple white color of the box with wooden handles is also a stylish point. The design does not interfere with any interior design and is sure to be useful.

miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior

Another cute point is the different design of the picture on the left and right sides. The image of Miffy peeking through the small window is very cute. This is a highly recommended product as it can be used for a variety of purposes in each household. The size is 27 cm x 8.3 cm x 17.7 cm.

miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior

Next is this one. Miffy towel pouch. It is made of gauze and pile fabrics, and has a cute design with a Miffy face pattern. Since it is a pouch-type towel, it can be used in a variety of ways, such as as a blindfold for a spray bottle, a plastic bottle cover, or a cover for a wet umbrella. The size is 12.5 cm x 25 cm.

miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior
miffy fabric interior

Last but not least, here it is. Miffy neck towel. Gauze and pile fabrics similar to the towel pouch. It has a pocket for a coolant, so it is perfect for cooling the neck and preventing heat stroke. It will be an indispensable item for this summer. The size is 80 cm x 9 cm. There are many other Miffy goods available, so please check them out as well.

How was it? We wish you a wonderful encounter with our characters,

Miffy,cute,house box,pouch towel,neck towel,perfect world tokyo,new arrival,goods,heat stroke,kitchen,interior,storage