We are pleased to introduce to you the Purinuitachi Dorimu of Sougou no Freiren (The Souvenir of Freiren). Sougou no Freelen is a work that was originally serialized in Shonen Sunday, and the anime that aired recently has become a hot topic. If you have a favorite character in the goods we are going to introduce here, we think you will love it. Please take a look at the article and consider them.

Hello! This is Sekai, your virtual reporter from Perfect World Tokyo!

Funeral  Freiren mascott

First of all, I would like to introduce Himmel. He is a self-proclaimed handsome narcissist, but he is a kind young man who loves his friends and cannot help helping those in need. His fresh light blue hair and eyes have been beautifully reproduced.

Funeral  Freiren mascott

Next up is Stark, who travels with Freelen and Fern. He is a warrior who will be traveling with Freelen and Fern. He has the personality of a child, but he is a highly skilled fighter and serves as the vanguard of the group. Her two-tone hair is well reproduced and her sparkling eyes are adorable.

Funeral  Freiren mascott

Next up is Fern. She is a wizard who will be traveling as Freelen’s apprentice. A calm girl, she is the caretaker of the sloppy Freelen. Violet, Fern’s color, is a key point. The overall color is chic, so it will be easy to coordinate with your clothes and room.

Funeral  Freiren mascott

The last one to be introduced is Freleng. She is an elf who has lived for over 1,000 years and is a wizard who defeated the Demon King as a brave party. She is a magic geek who is interested in all kinds of magic. She has a sloppy and dry personality. Her charm point is her cute ears.

In this issue, we have introduced the “Sougou no Furen no Purinuti Tachi Dorimu” (The Souvenir of Freelance). All of them are deformed in a cute way while maintaining the character’s individuality. These plushies stand on their own, so it will be fun to go out with them and take pictures with them. You will surely be able to make progress in your guessing game. Of course, you can also display it in your room to relax yourself.

What did you think? We wish you a wonderful encounter with our characters,

Cute,Goods,New Arrivals,Perfect World,Perfect World Tokyo,Hit Items,Character Goods,Funeral Freelen,Himmel,Stark,Fern,Freelen,Stuffed Toy,Purinuti-tachi-dorimu