When it comes to Dragon Quest items in terms of merchandise, the Slime plushie is a timeless classic, but the world of figures is a little different from other characters. We are very particular about the materials we use, and we definitely want to bring out other characters as well, but the die-cast figures, the metallic collection, and the figures we are bringing to you have a special twist to them.

Dragon Quest reproductions

Hello! I’m Sekai, a virtual reporter who wants to help you all discover the appeal of character goods, both old and new. I’d like to introduce you to some figures with command windows of Dragon Quest characters.

Dragon Quest reproductions

This is a figure of Estark with command window. Estark is a boss monster that first appeared in Dragon Quest IV. It is also called the “King of Hell” and players seem to have a hard time with it.

Dragon Quest reproductions

Its size is a little larger than a smartphone. It is like a guardian deity of the smartphone.

Dragon Quest reproductions

This is a figure of Gigantes with command window. In the game, he is known for his strength, although he is not quick.


It is lower in height than the Estark we introduced earlier.

Dragon Quest reproductions

This is a figure of Golem with command window. It is one of the royal monsters that have appeared in various Dragon Quest series.

Dragon Quest reproductions
Dragon Quest reproductions

The figure is brown in color, so it looks comfortable on a shelf or desk with a moderate presence.

Dragon Quest reproductions

This is a figure of Despizarro with command window. He is the last boss of Dragon Quest IV, and his original form was Pizarro, the king of the demon tribe.

Dragon Quest reproductions

It looks as if it will start moving at any moment! It is a must have for Dracula lovers!

Dragon Quest reproductions

This is a figure of Mimic with command window. In the game, he mimics a treasure chest, and his teeth grow only when he attacks.

Dragon Quest reproductions

The size is small. It will look good anywhere in your room!

Dragon Quest reproductions

This is a figure of King Slime with command window. The Estark and Gigantes figures we have introduced so far look cool, but the King Slime is rather cute.

Dragon Quest reproductions
Dragon Quest reproductions

You will want to collect several of them!

Dragon Quest reproductions

Last but not least is the Metal Slime figure with command window. The simple design will look stylish in your room or at the entrance!

Dragon Quest reproductions
Dragon Quest reproductions

The size is a little bit small.

This time, we introduced figures with command windows of various Dragon Quest characters such as Estark, Gigantes, and Metal Slime. The command window reminds us of the world of the Dracula games and makes us excited. It would be nice to collect various characters and display them in your room.

Here is a selection of Dragon Quest related items. Please check them out as well.

How was it? We hope you have a wonderful encounter with our characters, and thank you for reading this far! This was Sekai from Perfect World Tokyo.

Cute,Perfect World Tokyo,Perfect World,Tokyo,summary,news,new,hit items,character goods,goods,Dragon Quest,figures,Estark,Gigantes,Golem,Despizarro,Mimic,King Slime,Metal Slime