Virtual Reporter "Sekai" means "world" in japanesae. the main reporter of perfect world tokyo. loves pink color, ice cream.
Chibimaruko-chanTokyo news

Commemorative goods for the 35th anniversary of Chibi Maruko-chan anime: tableware. Huh? Where have I seen this illustration before? It’s a nostalgic item designed as it was in the nostalgic anime scene.

Japan's national anime "Chibi Maruko-chan" has reached a major milestone, reaching the 1,500 episode mark in the 32 years since it began airing on January 7, 1990. To celebrate such a memorable year, we focused on commemorative items
SNOOPYTokyo news

Snoopy 75th anniversary item. Because it is the anniversary, the design is a little more colorful than usual, but it is still simple and stylish.

Snoopy has been loved for 75 years, and to celebrate this milestone, a series of anniversary items have been released one after another. Some of the anniversary items use illustrations of Snoopy from past generations, and some of the designs are a bit rare, so Snoopy lovers won't be able to resist these items.
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