Cute Snoopy goods make your everyday time more fulfilling!

Snoopy goods, with their simple cuteness and items that can be easily adapted to any occasion, continue to be loved by adult women.

In this issue, we have picked up Snoopy lifestyle items that will lift your spirits during your time at home.

Hello, everyone! I’m Sekai, a virtual reporter who wants you to feel the charm of character goods, both old and new. I’d like to introduce you to a variety of Snoopy items for your daily life, each time featuring Snoopy, who always shows us his cute side. This time, I would like to introduce a plush Snoopy chest.

Snoopy's plush chest

This is a plush chest with an adorable appearance just like Snoopy. At first glance, it looks like a cute stuffed animal, but it is actually a chest for storing small items.

Snoopy's plush chest

The size is 14cm x 14cm x 14cm. It is very convenient for organizing small items that get too small on your desk! It’s so cute that it will help you tidy up more than usual.

Snoopy's plush chest

The fluffy texture makes it look like a stuffed animal, so it is soothing to look at and touch. The simple Snoopy-like colors make it easy to match with any interior.

Snoopy's plush chest
Snoopy's plush chest

This chest is also available in a version with Snoopy’s brother Olaf. The sleepy Olaf’s expression is just as he always looks, and it makes you feel at home.

Snoopy's plush chest

It is cute when used as a stand-alone item, but we recommend using it with Snoopy as a set, as it doubles the cuteness. Whenever you are tired, this expression on your face will make your tiredness fly away! You will want to use it at home or even at work.


It is stylish as an interior design, and is a must-have item as a healing item. Since this chest has a rare design, it would make a great gift for Snoopy lovers. It is sure to make them happy.

We have introduced some cute and uplifting Snoopy items for your daily life. If you want to relax at home, why don’t you spend a wonderful time with Snoopy’s cute items?

Here is a list of Snoopy related items. Please check them out as well!

How was it? We wish you a wonderful encounter with Snoopy,

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