"Tom & Jerry," an animated slapstick comedy series that is popular among both small children and adults. This pouch is based on the motif of Shelly and Taffy!
"Sweet Dreams" series we'll be introducing here is designed in an 80's style with Kirby and his friends enjoying their nighttime home time. The scenes are all precious until it's time for a good night's sleep, and you are sure to have good dreams when you spend time together with them.
"Snoopy," a character loved by men and women of all ages around the world! They will make your home more stylish and comfortable without ruining the atmosphere of your current home.
Tom & Jerry's foldable step, which is convenient to have one in your house. Since it is foldable, it can be stored compactly.
"Paris Saint-Germain," which is popular among men and other people of all ages! Logo items of the most powerful team of superhuman players, are a must-have item for those who play sports.
Hiroyuki, the King of Arguments, who has gained tremendous support from the younger generation! Even if you don't have the courage to wear a T-shirt with Hiroyuki's handwriting outside, you might be able to enjoy it at home and become the King of Debate. These are such unique items.
New wonderful goods have been released to coincide with the long-awaited live-action movie. These beautiful goods are recommended for Ariel lovers. Please check them out!
Opanchu Rabbit is a pink rabbit and a friend to everyone living on the earth. He is always trying to help and encourage everyone.
Snoopy checkered goods. The design of Snoopy holding a teddy bear is absolutely adorable. The unification of all the goods together gives them a total sense of unity and doubles the cuteness.
"Chiikawa," a character that is familiar to people of all ages, from small children to adults. Let's start with this pen pouch!